Non-Denominational Bible Study
Since 2015, Iron Men come together Friday mornings at 7:00 for 60 minutes. At our study of God’s word, we feature,15-30 minutes teaching/preaching from area pastors & testimonies from godly men, followed by open discussion of our lesson and our lives together with Jesus. Together we, open and close in prayer, recite the Pledge of Allegiance, and sing, God Bless America.
Jesus, who was the Master Teacher, constantly used the teaching method most suitable for His audience, and a quick search through the scriptures shows that Jesus used a variety of many teaching methods. Included in the different tools Christ used were the scriptures, parables, inspired questions, discussion, logic, object lessons, analogies, preaching, silence, repetition, prophecy, experience, observation and testimony.
What was the power behind Jesus’ ministry and where did Jesus get the get that power? He got it from his identity as the Son of God. He referred to this source of power as the Holy Spirit — the Holy Spirit that would be present in the heart of everyone who is a true believer in him. This power is holy, from God, and a manifestation of God’s very real presence.
We cannot live a holy life apart from the help of the Holy Spirit for, the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.
You will be encouraged to find another man (just like you) who knows The Holy Spirit inspired the Word of God and only Christians who are filled with the Spirit can understand the true meaning of God’s Word.
Godly Accountability Partners- †ransforming Men Through The Holy Spirit and The Power of Christ.